Category Archives: English
NOT, NO, DON’T in English
One of our students asked about the difference between NOT, NO and DON’T in English [...]
Some/Any and A(An)/One in English
When we talk about positive and negative statements in English, an interesting topic is the [...]
Quantifiers in English – a lot, many, much, (a) few, (a) little
What would our English classes be without learning how to use the Quantifiers correctly? A [...]
Take vs. Bring in English
Hello everyone, I have received this question in class recently about the difference between Take [...]
Take vs. Get in English
What is the difference between TAKE and GET in English? When do we use one [...]
By vs. Until in English
How do we use the prepositions By and Until in English when they refer to [...]
Through vs. To/Until in English
When talking about a period of time or a time limit in English, when do [...]
Looking for Part-Time Language Teachers
If you can teach English, ASL, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, or ANY OTHER [...]
JUST and ONLY in English
My students asked me to clarify the difference or similarity between the words JUST and [...]
The Meanings of “GET” in English
THE VERB “TO GET” To Get can be used in a number of patterns and [...]